Heavy Metal Syndicate #1131

1. Burn the Night Love.Might.Kill (from 2 Big 2 Fail, 2012)
2. Empire Dokken (from Broken Bones, 2012)
3. A War You Cannot Win All That Remains (from A War You Cannot Win, 2012)
4. When Demons Collide Bloodbound (from In the Name of Metal, 2012)
5. Father Bacchus Focus (from X, 2012)
6. Jumpin' Jack Flash Rolling Stones (from Through the Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2), 1969)
7. Jumpin' Jack Flash (Live) Johnny Winter And (from Live, 1971)
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
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