Heavy Metal Syndicate #1118

1. Sex Motley Crue (from Sex (Download single), 2012)
2. Fight the System! Million Dollar Reload (from A Sinner's Saint, 2012)
3. Hollywood Shooting Star Driver (from Countdown, 2012)
4. The Lighthouse Vision Divine (from Destination Set to Nowhere, 2012)
5. Nothing Is Nothing Christopher Amott (from Impulses, 2012)
6. Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho Grant Green (from Feelin' the Spirit, 1963)
7. Princess of the Dawn Accept (from Restless and Wild, 1982)
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
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