Heavy Metal Syndicate #883

FIGHT - Now You Die (from K5 - The War of Words - Demos, 2007)
MARKUS GROSSKOPF'S BASSINVADERS - Romance in Black (from Hellbassbeaters, 2008)
VINDICTIV - Royal Loo (from Vindictiv, 2008)
JADED HEART - Justice Is Deserved (from Sinister Mind, 2007)
NORTHER - Frozen Angel (from N, 2008)
ROCK AID ARMENIA - Smoke on the Water '90 (from The Earthquake Album, 1990)
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
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