Heavy Metal Syndicate #799

MOTLEY CRUE - Girls, Girls, Girls (from Carnival of Sins - Live, 2006)
PAUL GILBERT - The Curse of Castle Dragon (from Get Out of My Yard, 2006)
VIOLENT STORM - Fire in the Unknown (from Storm Warning, 2006)
AMORPHIS - House of Sleep (from Eclipse, 2006)
COLDSEED - Democracy Lesson (from Completion Makes the Tragedy, 2006)
CELLADOR - A Sign Far Beyond (from Enter Deception, 2006)
GRAND FUNK - The Loco-Motion (from Shinin' On, 1974)
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
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