Heavy Metal Syndicate #792

MOTLEY CRUE - Looks That Kill (from Carnival of Sins - Live, 2006)
RAINBOW - Intro (Over the Rainbow) (from Deutschland Tournee 1976 (Disc 1), 2006)
RAINBOW - Kill the King (from Deutschland Tournee 1976 (Disc 1), 2006)
RUSH - Tom Sawyer (from R30 - 30th Anniversary World Tour (DVD+CD), 2005)
AVENGED SEVENFOLD - Trashed and Scattered (from City of Evil, 2005)
RUNIC - Nau (from Liar Flags, 2006)
NEAERA - Mechanisms of Standstill (from Let the Tempest Come, 2006)
RIOT - Road Racin' (from Narita, 1979)
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
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