1987 (HM)
ANDY TAYLOR - Thunder (1987-03)★906 ◇265 points
GARY MOORE - Wild Frontier (1987-03)★1521 ◇252 +309 points
WHITESNAKE - Whitesnake (1987-04)★1212 ◇822 points
DEF LEPPARD - Hysteria (1987-08)★1274 ◇342 points
TREAT - Dreamhunter (1987-11)★1055 ◇1401 points

1987 (Pop/Rock)
BRYAN ADAMS - Into the Fire (1987-03)★567 points
WHITNEY HOUSTON - Whitney (1987-06)★848 ◇307 points
HEART - Bad Animals (1987-06)★942 ◇261 points
MIKE OLDFIELD - Islands (1987-09)★496 ◇567 points
VAN MORRISON - Poetic Champions Compose (1987-09)★1401 ◇699 points
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are
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